- Saturday, April 6, TRASH BASH Community Clean UP hosted by Irondale Earth Club and New Brighton Park and Rec; 11am, back parking lot of Edgewood Middle School; bring bags and gloves
- Tuesday, April 16 – noon Club Meeting at The Exchange
- Friday, April 19 - Gold Plate Dinner at Mounds View Community Center – get sponsors; sell tickets; get restaurant gift cards and auction items. Turn in meal choices BEFORE APRIL 10.
- April 23, CPY Spring Luncheon fundraiser at Christ the King, 11:45 check-in; RSVP
- April 23 – Taste of Shoreview, 5 – 8 pm, Shoreview Community Center, hosted by AH/SH Rotary Club
- April 24-28 – AH/SH Rotary Mobile Food Pack at Incarnation Lutheran Church, Shoreview
- May 7 – noon Club meeting at the Exchange; Board at 11
- May 8 – NYFS Leadership luncheon fundraiser, 11:30-1 pm, Vadnais Heights Commons, 655 Co. Rd. E, Vadnais Heights
- NEED GOLD PLATE DINNER SPONSORS - Please contact businesses or charitably minded individuals to sponsor the Gold Plate Dinner. Or give suggestions to Cindy, Susie or John J. Cindy has provided invitation forms online.
- Realtor Karen Collins was welcomed as our newest member! President John, Karen and Membership Director Cindy are shown below.
- Kalimatou SA Adia Abdou and Ishaou Issoufou, the Niger elementary students we currently sponsor through Remember Niger, sent notes of appreciation with pictures.
- Charlie, Dave, the Jacobsens and John J are responsible for March and April programs and meeting place set up and take down. John O, Cindy, Mary, Nils and Susie have May and June. Please let John Johnson and Jason Miller know what the programs will be as soon as you can.
- Reminder - Indicate on the order form if you prefer coleslaw or salad to fries, and any necessary dietary requirements. Guest meals are $15.
George Winiecki delivered a graduate-level course on home insurance. He described different ways states allocate losses, different ways regions determine rates, and the effect that major natural and man-made disasters are having on the viability of insurers, homeowners’ rates, and even the availability of insurance. The latter can depend the location and condition of the property, whether single or multiple dwelling units, and prior claims among other things.
In Florida, disaster claims that exceed the insurer’s ability to pay are covered by Florida taxpayers. If the federal government steps in, we pay.
Rates are increasing 25% - 100% in Minnesota. Some applicants are denied coverage, and some companies are amending their plans to cover only the depreciated value of roofs rather than replacement value. Policies are changed to provide high deductibles for wind and hail damage – especially for townhouses, condominiums, etc. In 2022, Minnesota had 25 hailstorms; in 2023, 37 hailstorms.
Reasons why plans can be canceled by the insurance company include non-payment or late payment of premiums, untruth on the application, (ex., coverage has previously been declined or not renewed for the property), multiple claims (2 or more non-Acts-of-God losses), violation of terms such as grills on decks if prohibited, age of property, poor credit, claims history of the property, animal bite claims, or insurance company leaving the area. Coverage can be denied for any reason during the first 59 days of the contract.
George strongly advised having personal excess liability coverage and very carefully read every word of small print when your policy is up for renewal.