Nyle Zikmund introduced our presenter, Mike Wilhelmi, NE Metro Community Relations Manager for Xcel Energy.  Mike's presentation centered on Xcel's efforts to reduce carbon emissions into the environment.  Xcel calls this "decarbonizing".  Xcel is committed to reducing carbon emissions from electrical energy production 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2050.  They have also committed to retiring all the coal-fired power plants by 2030.  These goals are made feasible by continued operation of two existing nuclear power plants and increased utilization of wind and solar power generation.  Development of better batteries and other energy storage mechanisms will eventually allow solar energy to play a much larger role in our overall energy strategy.  Xcel is very aware that reliability of the electrical power supply is a major concern for homes and businesses, and they are taking steps to improve the integrity of the power grid.  Consumers are flocking to electric vehicles for their environmental benefits as well as their efficiency.  Mike said that electric vehicles are reducing COby 5 million tons annually, and that electric car efficiency is equivalent to $1 per gallon gasoline.  Mike and Nyle Zikmund are shown below.
Pete Ralston, Troop Leader for Scout Troop 412 in New Brighton, followed up on Pack 412 Cubmaster Brian Novak's club visit last week.  The Troop and Pack are looking for a sponsoring organization for the Scouts and Cubs.  The possibility of sponsorship will be discussed at the next board meeting.  
Dave Hoel offered a happy fine today for his new downhill skis which, he figured, should keep him skiing another ten years until his 86th birthday!!!
Don't forget that NBMV Rotarians are invited to Risdall's 50th Anniversary Open House on Wednesday, May 18 from 3:00-6:00PM. The event will also celebrate John Risdall's 77th birthday.  Click here to register.
Next week's program will feature our two Camp RYLA participants.
Our May 24th meeting will feature relatively new NBMV member John Johnson with his observations about our club from the perspective of a new and "younger" member.  We hope to discuss possible ways to increase our club's attractiveness to younger service minded individuals. This meeting will focus on issues critical to the future of our club. Your presence is strongly encouraged. Topics will include:
 - Member engagement
 - Meeting time and frequency
 - Speaker frequency and procurement
 - Service event management
 - Any other desired topics
There will be no meeting on May 31st, due to the Memorial Day Holiday