Posted by Jeff Benson on Sep 17, 2019
September’s Board meeting is postponed until October 8th at 11:00 AM.
Another “One Rotary Summit” will be held in Stillwater on October 26th.  These Summits are a great way for all Rotarians to increase their knowledge about Rotary.  Please consider attending.
Stillwater Rotary is celebrating 100 years as a Rotary Club with a dinner and entertainment on Thursday, October 10th, from 6-9PM.  Click here to purchase tickets or get more information.
Anoka Rotary is celebrating its 40th anniversary on Thursday, October 24th, starting at 6PM.  There will be free appetizers, dessert and coffee bar as well as a cash bar.  Join them for games and a raffle to benefit End Polio Now.  The event will be held at Green Haven Golf and Event Center, 2800 Greenhaven Rd, Anoka.  To RSVP or ask questions, email Sandy at
On Saturday September 21, Mounds View will hold a Community Resource Fair at the Mounds View Community Center.  Some volunteers are needed so if you can help, contact Andy Thomas < - 763-717-4036.
On Tuesday October 29th, at 12:15PM, District Governor Paul Perez will visit our club.  It’s important that we have great attendance for his presentation so please mark your calendars now.
The annual Rotary Foundation Dinner will be held on November 2nd at the Delta Hotel in Minneapolis.  We’ve always had a sizeable delegation of NBMV Rotarians at this meeting.  Contact Nils Friberg to reserve your seat.
Cindy Carlson noted that our Japanese exchange student, Nanase (pronounced Nӑh-nӑh-say), has settled in with the Jacobsen’s.  She loves ice cream, chocolate, pizza and hamburgers and she’s willing to try new things.  She especially loves the outdoors.  Make a point to do something with her soon.  Her email is: and cell # is 651-925-6012.  Nanase is on the tennis team at Irondale and she will need a ride home after a match on Thursday between 5 and 5:30PM and also needs a ride home from practice at 5 PM this Friday.  Please let her know if you can get her home on either or both of those days.
John Ordway is organizing an outing at the Ordway to see a hilarious one man comedy show about parenting by Mike Birbiglia.  The group will be going to the October 19th show and the tickets (approx $70 ea) are in high demand so contact John ASAP so he can arrange for good seats.  The show begins at 7:30 but John has arranged for us to gather in the Contributors Lounge at 7:00 for a complimentary beverage.
Our presenter today was Scott Carlson, a fifty year veteran of Twin Cities' journalism and winner of several journalism awards.  Scott had difficulty with reading and spelling in early elementary school, but a patient mother used his interest in sports to get him to work at reading the sports page in the newspaper.  He soon became an excellent reader and his interest in the newspaper increased as he grew older, causing him to decide on a career in journalism by age 11.  His first byline was an article on music in the John Glenn Middle school paper and he wrote the football column for his high school newspaper.  He wrote for the Minnesota Daily while in journalism school at the University of Minnesota.  He joined the St. Paul Pioneer Press in 1975 and wrote for several columns until he settled in to writing at the business desk and continued there for 20 years until he left the Pioneer press in 2006 to pursue free lance work and authoring non-fiction books.  Scott’s freelance work has included a variety of print and internet media.  Scott noted that the pressure to get stories out to the public quickly and the proliferation of news sources have resulted in fragmented and occasionally biased or inaccurate reporting.  He also sees a blurring of the line between factual and editorial content.  Despite these developments, Scott sees a future for “objective, thorough, fair and impartial” reporting and he mentioned CNN as an example of a news outlet at least attempting to present the news in that way.  He also gave a nod to MPR for their news coverage.  Scott’s new book “Twin Cities Beer, A Heady History” is available here.  Jed Hamoud and Scott are shown below.