President Edeth James’ Quote of the Day – “We are very, very small, but we are profoundly capable of very, very big things.” - Stephen Hawking
Check your email for Important Rotary Dates or, if you prefer, you can download them here.
Arden Hills- Shoreview Rotarian Stephanie Cosgrove was present to announce the "R U Hungry" food collection drive. New Brighton-Mounds View partnered with the Arden Hills-Shoreview, Roseville and White Bear Lake Rotary Clubs on this food drive to help those who are hungry due to Covid-19. Download the brochure for more information. If you’d like to help, download the sign-up sheet.
Stephanie also reminded us that the Human Trafficking Webinar, co-sponsored by Arden Hills-Shoreview and our club, is this Thursday, April 15th, from 7:00-8:30PM. Join us for this free, virtual forum for students, parents, teachers, & residents. Learn about human trafficking in our community, how our students are most vulnerable, tips for online safety, and how to spot the signs. Click here to register and you will receive the Zoom invite by email.
Nyle Zikmund introduced Dr. Keith Brewster, Director of Operations & Senior Research Scientist, of the Oklahoma University’s Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS). CAPS's mission is to develop and demonstrate techniques for the numerical analysis and prediction of high-impact local weather and environmental conditions. Keith explained that modern weather forecasting is a combination of direct observation, conceptual and computer modeling, interpreting and de-biasing the data and modeling and, finally, communicating the risk to keep people and property safe.
Computer numerical analysis is used to measure the velocity of both vertical and horizontal air movements within the atmosphere using a three dimensional grid. These air movements, in a simple sense, are the basic determinants of what we experience as “weather”. Computers analyze this massive amount of data to determine patterns which can help to predict future air movements (i.e. future weather). Computers are also employed to analyze variables other than air movement which have an impact on weather. These variables include clouds, precipitation, surface temperature and moisture in the land surface. Although computer analysis is powerful, direct observation and conceptual modeling still play an important role in predicting severe weather. Weather radar has, in the past, been able to provide a 15-20 minute warning of severe weather. Computer analysis of radar has improved the severe weather warning time to about 2 hours and further improvements are anticipated. Computer modeling is also helping to improve warning times for flash flooding. For all of us weather junkies, Keith suggested some apps to try:
Tornado! (American Red Cross)
RadarScope (DTN Weather)
mPing (Oklahoma U. – N.O.A.H.)
Membership Director Cindy Carlson was honored to induct B-S-M Fire Department Battalion Chief Jeff Lundquist into the NBMV Rotary Club. Welcome, Jeff!
We’ll be trying out in-person club meetings on May 18th and June 29th. Note that these meetings will be indoors at the Exchange (with social distancing, of course).
Dana noted that we are considering five applications for our at-large scholarship. Four applications were received from St Anthony and one from Totino Grace.
Geoff Hollimon reported that the Suburban Ramsey Emergency Coalition has made an additional grant to N.Y.F.S. for $1,000. The Coalition will continue its mission through December 2021. Geoff also noted that the CPY Spring Event was a big success and he thanked all those who attended and donated. You can still donate to CPY by clicking here.